Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's back!  Another round of questions from Night Owl Crafting

1.  Do you fold your laundry right after it comes out of the dryer or do you wait?
Folding laundry?  You can fold that stuff?!  Actually, I am a girl who waits until I am done with all that I am washing, take it upstairs to the bedroom and fold it all and put it away there.
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
This last time, I actually made my own detergent.  You can find directions here.  I did the version where you turn the powder into a liquid but we found it a little clumpy so next time I will just use it in powder form (and add some essential oils for fragrance.  It just didn't have a smell at all).

3. Do you use fabric softener?
Again, this is a change for me.  I just bought these from Bed Bath and Beyond for about ten dollars.  I am not necessarily someone who avoids chemicals (I am just cheap) and thought these looked like a good way to stop forever buying dryer sheets!!  They are designed to soften your clothes and eliminate static.  It has only been a week but I do notice that our clothes are softer and our towels fluffier but it has not eliminated the static.  It has cut it way down but we live in a pretty dry area and getting rid of static might just be impossible.
4. Do you have a front loading washer and dryer or a top loading?
One of each actually.  Top loading washer, the dryer is front loading of course.  A few months ago, my dryer stopped heating and my amazing husband did some research online, ordered a part and totally fixed it for about $20!  I can only imagine what it would have cost to have someone in to repair it.
5. On a scale to 1-10 (1 being the least and 10 being the highest) how well do you like
doing laundry?
A 7.  Like most chores, it is not something I enjoy when I am in the process of it but I love having all the clothes washed and put away!


Amy said...

I've been eyeing those dryer balls! I was waiting to get my next coupon from BB&B in the next mailer to pick them up. Because I'm cheap too. ;)

Leslie said...

I want to try those dryer balls, they sound amazing! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!