Monday, September 10, 2012

Self-drafted Skirt

I don't often experiment.  I was wondering recently why that is and have come up with the reason I think that is.  I live really far from a source of fabric.  Like 120 miles far.  Two hours away from having supplies at my fingertips. I do a lot of mail order fabric ( is my go to source) but still, I don't buy in huge quantities, more project specific.

This summer, I bought some grey jersey knit to make a friend a maxi skirt.  I bought extra fabric to make myself one and ended up going in a different direction.  I drafted a patterns based on this tutorial from Crafterhours.  I knew I wanted it based on this dress from Garnet Hill.  This was a big experiment for me and I am really proud of how my first self-drafted garment turned out.

I wish I had double checked the actual photo instead of going from memory.  I would have added the second row of flowers.  Maybe this is an opportunity to do a tutorial and make a second garment.  :)  Regardless, here is my skirt.

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