Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Highs and Lows

I have a few beautiful new patterns that I am really excited about!  I got two new patterns from Favorite Things.  I bought their pattern for the Shift Dress
I think this is a perfect, light, easy to wear dress for the summer.  Just pull it over your head, throw on cute sandals and go.
I also got the pattern for the Flip Skirt
Again, elastic waist, easy to wear.  I just love this outfit from the back of the pattern.  The sky blue and cherry red is adorable!
But alas, here is my low.  I have these adorable new patterns and this is what my machine is doing.
That is the lower thread on my sewing machine.  Yes, it's threaded correctly.  Yes, it is oiled and cleaned.  The most frustrating part?  It is not doing this all of the time.  Only most of the time.  My mom was planning to give me her old machine but that's not until she comes out in September.  What to do in the meantime?  There's only one thing to do.  Get to know my serger.  I have to admit, the serger still intimidates me.  I know that I can't do everything on it but I think I can do enough to make somethings.  I am going to try out a few tutorials here and here.  I've had these saved on my pinterest board for every and it is finally time to investigate.  Barring, I am going to buy a cheap little basic machine form Walmart to get me through.  Does anyone have a little cheap basic machine that you feel does the job?  I would love to hear about it!

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